Amos N. Wilson (1941-1995)

  • French Version
Ne en 1941 a Hattiesburg dans le Mississipi, le Dr Amos N. Wilson obtient son Doctorat de Psychologie a l'Universite de Fordham (New York City). Activiste afrocentriste, il occupera les fonctions de travailleur social, assurant la supervision des agents de probation, celui de conseiller en psychologique et coordinateur de formations au Departement de la Justice Juvenile de New York puis d'Assisstant Professeur en Psychologie a la City University de New York. Dans son oeuvre Dr Amos N. Wilson constate qu'il est imperatif que la communaute afro americaine se reapproprie son identite notamment par le biais d'un systeme educatif adapte et etablisse ses propres modeles de construction. Conscient du fait que la communaute afro evolue dans un contexte de destruction programmee, les oeuvres du Dr Amos N. Wilson reprennent les lignes directrices qui vont permettre aux afro d'aller bien au-dela de leur potentiel....

  • English Version
Born in 1941 in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Dr. Amos N. Wilson completed a Ph.D. in Psychology at the Fordham University (New York City). Activist afrocentrist, he has served as a social worker, ensuring the supervision of probation officers, as a psychological advisor and training administrator at the Department of Juvenile Justice in New York. Dr Amos N. Wilson held also the position of Assisstant Professor of Psychology at the City University of New York. In his work Dr. Amos N. Wilson emphasises the imperative need for the African American community to work toward the reappropriation of his identity through an education system andadapted because based on afro-oriented construction models. Aware that the African community evolves in a destructive context, in his work, Dr. Amos N. Wilson presents the guidelines to be followed for afro people to go far beyond their potential....